Our system use Find My network. We provide a schematic overview and explain how we integrate the different steps below.

The Find My network is a crowdsourced network of hundreds of millions of Apple devices that can help users locate a missing iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and soon, third-party Find My network-enabled accessories, using the Find My app. Devices in the Find My network use Bluetooth wireless technology to detect missing devices or items nearby and report their approximate location back to the owner. The entire interaction is end-to-end encrypted, anonymous, and is extremely data and battery efficient.

Pairing (1)

To use Apple’s Find My network, we generate a public-private key. The private key remains on our call center securely stored in the keychain, and the public key is deployed on the accessory, e.g. tag3 powerbank6

Losing (2)

In short, the accessories broadcast the public key as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertisements. Nearby iPhones will not be able to receive our accessories advertisement.

Finding (3)

When a nearby iPhone receives a BLE advertisement, the iPhone fetches its current location via GPS, encrypts it using public key from the advertisement, and uploads the encrypted report to Apple’s server. All iPhones on iOS 13 or newer do this by default. Junle is not involved in this step.

Searching (4)

Apple does not know which encrypted locations belong to which Apple account or device. This is not a security issue: all reports are end-to-end encrypted and cannot be decrypted unless one knows the corresponding private key (stored in the keychain). when users calls our 7×24 phone 1-833-933-1689, We use our private keys to decrypt the location reports and send to users.